Christmas is coming and I'm in bed with a stubborn cold. I usually complain when my husband snores when he's sleeping but this night I have been snoring terrible...
I'm gonna take it easy today, sleeping, resting, reading, writing and watching films. Oh my G.. it seems like a feel-good-day instead of a day with illness. But the thing is that I never permit myself to do all this things when I am healthy.
The photos above this text are from the website of the shop of my sister. My sister's name is Lotta and she got into this two years ago. I admire her very much for taking this chance and doing this together with her companion. I'll guess that you probably won't visit her even if my daily newspaper suggested that we could go to to NY for christmas shopping and I suppose it's the same distance from Sweden to NY as from NY to Sweden...
The shop has so many lovely things this year and I must tell you that the white breadbox is mine now. I have been searching for it for years but the one I have seen earlier have been to small, wrong colors ore not as practical to use every day. Here comes some more photos from the shop that I took some weeks ago.