Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mrs Chanterelle

Fall is coming and I have been so busy the last weeks so I haven't seen it until now. The crazy thing is that I read other bloggers who wrote and showed photos of it, and than I thought that it hasn't come here yet! But the next day when I went to work, I discovered that the fall was over me everywhere! Of course I miss the wonderful summer weather we have had this year but I do also love the chilly colorful mornings we have now with fresh and clear air. 

A good thing about autumn is all the harvest we can do in the garden but also in the forest. When I was a little child I sang a song about "Mrs Chanterelle", I liked it so much even though I hadn't seen it myself in the nature. I didn't taste this golden mushroom until many years later.

When we got these last week we just fried them with butter and salt and put them on a toast and ate them immediately!


patty said...

Ella, I do miss the colors of fall! I will be visiting family in Michigan soon and hope to see some there. Those mushrooms are amazing. On our vacation I had a big ole portobello burger - really yummy and tasted to me a lot like a regular burger!

Gowganda Photography said...

Those just look too good. Heading to Yukon and Northwest Territories tomorrow morning, travelling the Dempster Highway to Inuvit,NWT. Pictures in a week or so.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

OH! Such Beautiful mushrooms mouth waters looking at your tasty treat! delicious!