Friday, September 30, 2011

Weather reflexion

No weather is bad weather, it's just a matter of what cloths you wear and what kind of activities you prefer. I guess that the kids on my school who invented this "water collector" thought that this rainy day was just perfect. But I was very pleased that my pupils and I finally could finish our week with some silent minutes on our dry log today. We enjoyed the fall colors, the river and the sun before we said goodbye. 

Took this photo yesterday before I went to work.  If I'm lucky I can sit on this bench tomorrow morning, sipping some coffee after a morning walk and get a feeling of weekend unscheduled, before the weekend activities begins. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Unknown orange beauty

After a whole week with rain, rain and rain I'm watching and enjoying my photos from last Saturday when we spent some ours by the sea and the weather was both warm and sunny. I sat here alone and felt so relieved, just me, the sea and far away a small sailing boat.  It's weird but I like this photo even if the flowers are fuzzy. I remember that my son told me before I went down to the shore that I should have  a better camera, because he understood that I was going to take some photos with my mobile....

Well, if you can't get the whole photo sharp you can always take two photos! I don't know the name of this flower but the stalk was so long so I had to take 

a third photo! to remember the petals. Does anyone know what this is? Maybe there will come a day when I put some savings on a camera but the good thing with my mobile is that I almost always have it with me in my pocket.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Too much of apples

There are very much of apples in my garden now. We're eating them all the time and also bought a juicer  so we can drink them, but I'm afraid that many of them will be left as they are difficult to save. Some years ago we tried to dry them but it was very much work with it and you have to have place for it. But I haven't made any pie yet which is very good with the kind of apples we got.  I'm also going to fill some boxes and take the apples to work and give them to my colleagues (if there are anyone who wants them...) 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Help from the FB friends

It's time for new glasses and I'v been to the optician today. But it's never easy to decide what glasses I will have. I usually listen for advice from the people who work there, because they are very good to see what's suitable for their customers. I always select some couples and bring them home to show the family. Some years ago when I was going to buy a new couple I took them to my work and asked for advice from my colleagues. I don't know if it's common and allowed everywhere to borrow glasses so you can try them on at home. 

When I was looking in the mirror today I got a funny idea! Why don't ask my FB friends for advice. People who have never seen me in real life. So I took some photos and made a post on FB with photos of me with four of my borrowed glasses. Now I must confess that don't have so many friends there, as I have an ambivalent relationship to FB. But I became both surprised and very happy when I got a quick answer from my blog friend Barbra. She gave me her opinion and I really estimated that. I can't stop being fascinated of the fact that I asked my friends at work for advice the last time and now some years later I get opinions from the other side of the world just a few seconds after I have sent the question. 

This is one of them!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mrs Chanterelle

Fall is coming and I have been so busy the last weeks so I haven't seen it until now. The crazy thing is that I read other bloggers who wrote and showed photos of it, and than I thought that it hasn't come here yet! But the next day when I went to work, I discovered that the fall was over me everywhere! Of course I miss the wonderful summer weather we have had this year but I do also love the chilly colorful mornings we have now with fresh and clear air. 

A good thing about autumn is all the harvest we can do in the garden but also in the forest. When I was a little child I sang a song about "Mrs Chanterelle", I liked it so much even though I hadn't seen it myself in the nature. I didn't taste this golden mushroom until many years later.

When we got these last week we just fried them with butter and salt and put them on a toast and ate them immediately!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cactus in the north

When I have plants or flowers on my blog they are usually from the nature in the nearby forests. But I took these photos some weeks ago when I was out strolling in the city. We have had these cactus plantage for many years but when they get it outside in june every year they can place them in different ways. It must be a wonderful work for a garden designer but I guess it's a bit tricky to move them without getting hurt!

When I was about twelve, me and my friends had a hobby and I can tell you that this would have been my favorite place at that time. Yes, we collected cacti!