Wednesday, June 8, 2011

from 52° to 83° in two days!

This feels totally crazy, but it's been so hot today! Our town has been more like a place in France at the Middle Ocean. When I went home from my work with my bike I saw people every where along the shore of the river. Even in the middle of the city young people laid on the bridge and some of them jumped in the cold water. But I'm to shy to stop and take a photo of them so I took the photo above a little later. As we never know if this will be the warmest day of this summer we really enjoy it and

right know when I write this it's late evening and I'm sitting outside on the porch. The lilacs has blossomed today and their scent is spread over the whole garden. They make me so happy as they remind me of my grandma who had white lilacs that I loved to just stand beside to feel the scent.


Ms. Becky said...

we've had similar weather here. three days ago it was 55 and since then it's been 97 each day. it's unbearable with the humidity. tomorrow is supposed to be back to the 50's again. if that path is your bike path to and from work then you have a beautiful commute. Your photo of the lilacs is splendid. they're my favorite flower but I have none growing in my yard. I used to swipe bouquets from back alleys! I hope you have a beautiful week Ella. Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts.

patty said...

Oh, that is so beautiful, Ella, especially the lilacs!! Seems everyone else has had super warm weather, but our June is always quite cool and this year even cooler than usual. That's fine with me, though. July and August will heat up and I don't do well in the heat so.... enjoying the cool and sunny weather! Happy summer!!