Thursday, January 3, 2013

Five seasons

I have always felt that I divides my year in five seasons. I count the period from the middle of February to the beginning of May as a specific season and call it Spring winter. It's a wonderful time outside when I enjoy skiing very much. 

But there are others in the north part of my country with more than five seasons, they have eight! You can see their explanation from the web site visit Sapmi here:

How many seasons do you have? Vivaldi with his Quattro Stagioni, must have experienced four seasons and we know that he lived in Italy, but what is a season. Of course it depends on where you live and what climate you have. The weathermen have their explanation and facts about average temperature but when do you really feel that it is spring or autumn and not summer. This year we experienced that it was autumn on Friday when we started a weekend but full winter when it ended on Monday morning, but that doesn't happen very often as the first snow usually disappears. 


JMW said...

Happy New Year, dear friend! Hope you are enjoying the last few days before you return to school. We have four seasons where I live - although sometimes spring and fall are cut short due to extreme heat or cold. You don't always know what you're going to get! :)

joyce said...

Thanks for the we sometimes say that we have five seasons too, March and April are the mud season, I suspect you may have the same!. Or we say that winter is 5 or more months, and the other 3 seasons divide up the rest of the year.

patty said...

I like the 8 seasons idea because it includes the transitions from one to the other... the way it really happens. One eases into the next - it doesn't just happen in one day!
On first glance it seems that we just have 2 seasons here: warm and cool or wet (somewhat) and dry. But there are many subtle changes if we open our eyes with the plants, length of days, etc. Not nearly as dramatic as yours of course, but changes nonetheless!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I have not read this before and find it very intriguing!! We have long springs here...with lots of rain and I feel we most certainly have a RAINY SEASON...or a boating season!

We have snow here but not really enough to do the skiing that you do...OH! How I wish we did!

Carola Bartz said...

I like the term "spring winter" - lovely! While I was still living in Southwest Germany, we also had a fifth season, it was carnival and lasted from November 11th until Ash Wednesday - the "crazy" time.
People who don't live in California often say we don't have any seasons here, it's all the same throughout the year, but this is certainly not true. We have very distinctive seasons, all four of them, but sometimes they mingle, i.e. we still have colorful trees but winter temperatures (well, for Northern coastal California). Our autumn is my favorite season, it's smashing.

Ms. Becky said...

Just stopping by to wish you and yours a healthful new year Ella.
I'm not sure how many season we now have, with climate change it's all different from when I was a little girl. The winters bring no snow, but rain. The summers bring no rain, but heat and humidity like never before. One season blends into the next. Each one has its own beauty, just different. take good care Ella...