Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ethiopean food

Twenty five years after my visit in Ethiopia in Afrika it's time to make food that I ate when I was there. It's called Doro Wat but we will miss the special bread that they always have together with their dishes. 

I'm so grateful for the supporting comments I got for the last post. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

From a frosty window

Missing you all so much! Missing the writing and reading, but I'm hoping for some kind of changing!

The blogging have given me so much. I think it's easier for me now to understand English, but that has also resulted in something scary. I'm more fearful to write now than I was in the beginning. I'm so afraid of using wrong words.

So the scary feeling about the language is one of the reasons why I haven't been writing since september. I have the words in my head but I can't get them "on the paper". But I'm not alone, some others have also stopped writing during 2013. I wonder so much about some other of my favorite writers, where are you? And what are your reasons? 

As Ms Becky. I've been visiting her "blue door"so many times like an old friend visiting someone and hoping that someone will open the door and ask me to come in.