My first contact with a musical was in the village where I grew up. There was a group of amateurs with musicians and theater- interested-peoples. Between the age of 14 and 21, I participated in four different musicals. I sang in the choir and sometimes I danced. The first one was a musical which involved the life of a famous swedish artist, Carl Larsson (1853-1919). No one belives me now when I tell them that I’ve been dancing can-can to the tones of Jaque Offenbach on a stage infront of 150 people! Another one was about the orphan Annie. I think they worked a lot to get (afford..) the rigthts to put up that one.
It’s hard to belive but I think that we usually gave about 20 performances.
The audience came in buses from the nearest town (60 kilometers). When I was about 16 I visited London (were there on a language school) and than I succeded in percuade my friend to go and see Sound of music with me. It was a moment I’ll never forget.
After that I didn't have the opportunity to see any musicals, with proffesional singers live, until that evening in Stockholm when my husband and I just had got engaged and celebrated it with a visit at the theater Circus and saw Les Miserable.