Thursday, October 22, 2015

Last weekend

Soon it's a new weekend and I have many expectations for it. Sometimes there are so many plans and ideas that I'm really tired when it's Sunday evening, even if I haven't done all that I wanted to do. Last weekend was so fantastic as the weather lured me to be outside. I worked in the garden, but I also had my coffee (and some ice cream) on the porch.

I got some ideas about things I will do for next summer. Plants and flowers that I will give new places as they have grown and became to big. So I took some photos so I will remember my plans.

My son found this old bike in the forest last summer. It's been placed in our storage the whole winter, when the summer came he cycled... but it wasn't  traffic safe. So I thought it was a good idea to protect my son and transform the bike to a garden decoration.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Five years ago

Last weekend I started to look back on my older posts from this blog. It was like a travel through the time and I enjoyed it very much. I felt proud of myself and all the photos and words that I had shared with my readers. But the absolutely number one of great feelings was when I read the supporting and interesting comments. I realize now how much they have meant for me these years. The second post on this blog was written in Swedish, but I will try to translate it for you.


We can have a feeling of what will come, presage what will happen - but the truth is that we'll never know for sure. The most fantastic and unbelievable could come with happiness. But unfortunately there could also be something sad waiting around the corner. 

But our lives would be unbearable if we wouldn't be able to make plans for a day tomorrow that mostly meet us with happiness.